Friday, June 19, 2009

Chappell Hill Texas - From the Cubicle Days

Woke up in my cloths around 3AM with the urge to go for a drive. Searching for a destination, I stumbled on this website which had a list of "Texas Ghost Towns"; simply abandoned towns and cities around Texas. So I picked one near Houston, grabbed my Camera and started driving. I never found it, instead I found this: Chappell Hill Texas. A little town that looked to be abandoned for decades. I got there just in time to watch the sunrise. I saw no one on the streets. Occasionally pickup trucks drove by (There are ranches further down the road). The Main street had a small collection of shops, with signs that are obviously from another time. Oldsmobile... . Over all the experience was.. unique, but didn't yield many good photos... For more info and its history, check out this Wikipedia article on Chappell Hill.

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